What to expect in the hiring process

OWL Services makes applying and interviewing easy.  We even offer training for many of our openings.  Apply for a job today to start a new career with an organization that is shaping the future of how we fuel and power vehicles and advancing services in our integrated solutions.  

Power your career with our Electric Vehicle - Operations and Maintenance
Training Program

OWL Services recently launched a new Technician Training program for Electric Vehicle – Operations and Maintenance Service.  Our first inaugural class took place the week of March 27th, 2023, at the OWL Training Center in Alabama.  OWL Services Technicians represented in this class were identified across various companies to be a part of a new design by having some experience with charging units and some that had no experience.  The goal was to measure learning transfer by daily pre and post assessments to capture knowledge gained by participants.  Each day included an end of day recap where Technicians were able to share their take-aways and provided the Training and Development team with Plus and Delta (+ and -) feedback.  The class concluded with a certification process with certificates and group pictures. 
OWL Services Training and Development took the inaugural class feedback and input and shaped the program for a second class hosted the week of April 10th.   We have trained our Technicians how to be confident handling Electric Vehicle charging units and equipping them with new skills to handle the most common dispatch procedures.  Most importantly, the program teaches Technicians how to be safe with Electrical Safety, that includes, Lock Out Tag Out Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Arch Flash, just to name a few.  More classes are being scheduled now, so be on the lookout for more ways for you to show interest in joining a future training class. 
The topics covered over the 3-day classroom and hands-on training program include:
  • Electrical Safety Procedures
  • Electric Vehicle Terminology and Dispatch Procedures
  • Electric Vehicle Installation and Diagnostics
Just a few testimonials from the class evaluations: 

The Instruction was Top Notch.

Enjoyed the conversations and the open dialogue that we can have with one another.  Everyone made you feel welcome.

Group discussions were great and entertaining.  Felt like you could ask any questions or concerns and didn't make you feel like your question was a dumb question.

The training curriculum kept me engaged throughout the class.

I feel much more confident in my ability to work on EV now.